
National Education Association

Engaging Multicultural Parents


We branded the NEA with multicultural communities, encouraging minority parental involvement to help close educational attainment gaps as well as to generate support for NEA policies and opposition to voucher and privatization initiatives. Our “This Is Why We Are” campaign aligned the NEA’s mission and policies with the values and priorities of Hispanic, African American, Asian American (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino) and Native American populations. Post-campaign survey results indicated a 30% increase in brand awareness and a 29% increase in positive opinions of the NEA within targeted communities.

Theatre Communications Group

Developing New Audiences


We branded and grew awareness of TCG’s audience development program, the national Free Night of Theater. In the process, we developed a logo for the program, worked with national umbrella organization and regional partners to develop and place advertising campaign to draw attendance. We helped grow the program over three years, from a 3-city event to a national coast-to-coast movement with 398 participating theatre companies presenting over 600 performances and offering more than 30,000 tickets. According to an online survey of Free Night patrons the program continues to attract a significant number of people who fall into non-traditional theatre participant categories, including infrequent theatre attendees, young people, less educated, non-white and those with lower household incomes. Specifically, 77% attended a theatre they had never been to before, 42% are under age 35, 26% have less than a college degree, 27% are non-white, and 33% have combined household incomes under $50,000.